Letter to Parents
A letter to parents from our clinical director
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),
Your child is currently being assessed to determine whether s/he has a substance or alcohol use disorder. There are a number of outcomes for the assessment including no recommendation, drug and alcohol education, individual therapy, intensive outpatient, inpatient or residential treatment. As a parent, treatment is your choice, not your child’s. A child who is using alcohol or other drugs has already proven that they don’t make great decisions.
If your child is referred for a brief education program, the ASAP Choices Program will be an option. This Program meets for one hour on Thursdays at 6:30PM. To complete the Choices program your child will need to come 4 weeks in a row to receive all the information. Arrangements for a make-up session can be made when necessary due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances.
If your child is recommended for Alcohol or Other Drug (AOD) Treatment, the TRIP program is described in great detail on this website. Please have your child read this information prior to his/her first day in treatment and discuss the probable impact treatment will have in your child’s and family’s life.
Recommendations, including any referrals, will be made by the clinician prior to the assessment’s conclusion. Throughout our website, we have included quotes from recent graduates and their parents. Hopefully they provide a sense of what ASAP might do for your family. We are here to help you during your time of need.
Richard L. Baum, EdD, LICDC-CS
President, Adolescent Substance Abuse Programs, Inc.