


Vaping: We’ve Been Here Before

Hannah Lubman, Psy.D.
 12:38 PM, September 25th, 2019
Teens Vaping

Vapes were originally marketed to adults who were trying to quit smoking cigarettes.In general, they appear to be a safer alternative to cigarettes, as they are presented as containing fewer ‘dangerous chemicals.’ Additionally, manufacturers indicate they help some adults quit smoking cigarettes, even as vapes themselves are quite difficult to stop using.

Vapes naturally appeal to teens – they are easy to conceal, don’t leave a smell on your skin or clothing, and come in candy and cereal brand flavors. These characteristics have made vapes a popular product for teens looking for ways to distinguish themselves and look cool.

Dangers of Cigarette Smoking

At this point, everyone knows the physical consequences of smoking cigarettes: heart disease, lung, throat, and mouth cancers, emphysema, and the list goes on. Cigarette use has actually dropped among teens over the past few decades. This should correlate to a reduction in the types of cancers caused by cigarette use. However, now vaping has emerged as a serious threat.

Risks of Vaping

We know far less about using vape devices, but there has been some limited research conducted over the past few years. During this time, the United States has experienced a significant increase in the number of teens using vaping devices. With over 40% of high school students currently using vapes, there is considerable concern about a new “teen epidemic.”

Although the research on vapes is still in its infancy, this is what we do know. Vaping can:

  • Negatively impact the heart and circulatory system
  • Increase risk of cavities and cause irritation in gums, mouth, and throat
  • Contribute to shortness of breath and in severe cases, pulmonary disease
  • Lead to use of combustible tobacco products (e.g., cigarettes, ‘rellos,’ cigars)
  • Interfere with development of the adolescent brain
  • Result in injury or death by way of a mysterious lung disorder caused by counterfeit vaping pods

We’ve Been Here Before

Although the first research linking cigarette smoking to cancer emerged in the 1940s, there are currently over 30 million adults smoking cigarettes in the United States. In other words, people continue to consume harmful substances despite full knowledge of the negative consequences. Even worse, people continue to smoke despite witnessing the negative impact on past generations.  Tobacco use continues to be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, killing almost half a million people each year.

Sound familiar? We’ve been here before. History seems to be repeating itself, but with a shiny new electronic device – the Vape.

If you know a teen who has been vaping, call us today at 513.792.1272 to find out more about CloudStop, or vaping education program.


ASAP is Cincinnati's premiere outpatient treatment center for teenagers and their families struggling with substance abuse and mental health problems.


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