


Nicotine Toothpicks

Elissa Mazer, M.Ed.
 10:12 AM, March 8th, 2019

Nicotine toothpicks are advertised as a way to help smokers ingest nicotine without smoking. Teens may find them an easier delivery system to hide their addiction. The toothpicks each contain about 4 mg of nicotine compared with less than 2 mg in most light cigarettes. They do not look any different than an ordinary toothpick, which could enable a teen to chew and suck on the nicotine toothpick in public.

Facts About Nicotine

Nicotine is addictive

Cigarette smoking kills about 6 million people around the world each year, according to the CDC. People who begin smoking or using nicotine products have a very difficult time quitting. Almost 90% of smokers began smoking before age 18.

Nicotine is harmful to teens’ brains

Nicotine affects areas of the brain responsible for attention, memory, and learning. These effects are seen while the brain is still developing, through young adulthood.

Other dangers of using nicotine

Tobacco and nicotine use causes (or is linked to) other health risks, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, infertility, and respiratory problems. 90% of lung cancer cases are smoking related.

Alternate Delivery Systems are Attracting Teens

Almost 3 million high school students and more than half a million middle school students use some form of tobacco/nicotine product. Well over half use e-cigarettes, due to easy availability of vape pens and the flavors of the liquids.

Nicotine delivery systems that are similar to everyday items (like nicotine toothpicks and gum), make it easier for teens to hide their use. Parents and school officials are concerned about teen use, and these products makes it increasingly difficult to catch teens using.




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