Teen Intake Assessments
ASAP offers comprehensive teen assessments performed by clinicians with specialized training.
ASAP is here to help families thrive. We strongly believe in building relationships with our clients and helping parents and teens reconnect. Your intake assessment will be the first step in that journey. While teens can be unsure about change and therapy in general, ASAP helps to empower families from the start. Our team will help you to draw from existing strengths and build resilience for coping during difficult times. We are looking forward to helping you and your teen take the first steps toward recovery!
ASAP works with families, schools, courts, physicians, and other mental health providers when there are concerns about teen behaviors. Teen assessments take approximately 2 hours, are available most days during the week, and involve the teen and at least one parent/guardian.
ASAP professionals meet individually with teen and parents to get a more thorough perspective on the issues you have been facing. Parents are encouraged to provide information about family history, their child’s development, awareness of any existing substance use patterns, concerning behaviors, and to provide details about past strategies the family has used to help their teen. Teens are encouraged to share about their family life, mental health concerns, problematic behaviors, any existing alcohol and other drug use history, school/work performance, and their social life.
Evidence-based assessment helps us provide accurate, appropriate, and effective treatment recommendations.
All assessments include psychological measures to help ensure we are making the most helpful recommendation. If substance use is a concern, we also include administration of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screen Inventory (SASSI-A2), a scientifically validated assessment test that helps our assessment professionals determine problem severity and your teen’s level of honesty. Upon completion of the assessment, you will usually leave our office with a level of care recommendation, and have clear direction as to the next steps to helping your child. Occasionally, our staff will consult with other care providers to help determine the right next step.
We know that particularly at the outset of treatment, many teens are not sure if treatment will be helpful for them. Our clinical staff is ready to provide you with strategies for getting your child to the assessment and to engage in treatment once a recommendation has been made.