


Don’t Let Your Kids Turn to Pot

Elissa Mazer, M.Ed.
 8:20 PM, October 15th, 2016
Don't Let Your Teen Turn to Pot: Family involvement can keep kids from smoking marijuana

The teen years can be a risky time for kids AND parents. Teenagers often start smoking marijuana during the summer months and continue when they return to school. Sometimes parents minimize or actually deny that smoking marijuana may be a problem. Yet marijuana is more harmful than parents may think. The use of marijuana can lead to behavioral and social problems at a time when teens are still developing. People can become dependent on marijuana, and more kids have been treated at ASAP for marijuana than for all other drugs combined, including alcohol.

Marijuana users are also more likely to make poor decisions and engage in risky behaviors such as having unprotected and risky sex, developing inappropriate friends, abandoning educational plans, or being increasingly rebellious.

Influencing Teens

What influence can you exert over your children to minimize the chances that they will use marijuana, alcohol, or other drugs?

  1. Establish rules you can live with
  2. Educate yourself about substances
  3. Communicate your concerns
  4. Make sure you know where your child is and who s/he is with
  5. Find time to engage your teen
  6. Regularly spend time together as a family

Don't Let your Teen Turn to Pot: Spending time together can keep kids from smoking marijuanaTalking with Teens

Talking with your teen about drugs and alcohol is important, and it works. Try to find a time each week to bring up an important topic of conversation. In addition to talking about drugs and alcohol, these topics might include safe sex practices, politics, religion, college plans, etc. Even if your teen pretends to ignore you (or rolls his or her eyes at you), sharing your family’s values is an essential part of being a parent.

If you find that your teen is ignoring your rules and boundaries, and you have concerns, call ASAP at 513.792.1272 to set up an assessment. ASAP can help you feel more confident in your parenting decisions. We can get your teen started on the road to recovery!


ASAP is Cincinnati's premiere outpatient treatment center for teenagers and their families struggling with substance abuse and mental health problems.


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