


Does My Child Need an Assessment?

Leslie Baum, B.F.A.
 7:59 PM, October 15th, 2016

Any time you suspect that your child is using drugs or alcohol is a good time to have an assessment. Sometimes schools or courts recommend a child have an assessment to make sure there isn’t a more serious issue. You don’t have to wait until you are sure there is an issue to get your child help.

Warning Signs

Common Problems Among those with Substance Use Disorders include: drug or alcohol use, school problems, poor relationship choices, risky sexual behavior, behavior problems, traffic accidents, legal problems, etc.

It is a good idea to come in for an assessment if:

  • You know or suspect that your child is using alcohol or other drugs
  • You have found alcohol or other drugs in your child’s room, car, or backpack
  • Your child is experiencing consequences at home, in school, or with the court system that may be related to alcohol or other drug use
  • You know or suspect that your child’s friends are using
  • You have found evidence of use on your child’s phone
  • Your child’s friends or others close to your family have expressed concern
  • Your child and family have gone through some of the problems in the chart above

Why have an assessment?

  • to have a substance abuse professional look at what type of alcohol or other drug (AOD) issue your child is having
  • to use professional standards to recommend a course of treatment (if any is needed).

The assessment might find that your child is using sporadically and needs education. It may discover that your child has a more serious problem. These teens can be benefit from an Intensive Outpatient Program or a Residential Program.

While ASAP does not offer every level of care, our clinicians use the American Society of Addiction Medicine criteria to determine what type of care is needed. We can also assist you in finding the help your child needs, by making recommendations, if we are not able to provide that care.


ASAP is Cincinnati's premiere outpatient treatment center for teenagers and their families struggling with substance abuse and mental health problems.


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